Findlay Toyota Flagstaff

Apr 27, 2015

I’d like to take a moment to talk about our furry family members.

One thing we love here, is pets. Almost all our team members have pets. From cats to dogs to horses. I have 2 cats at home who seem to get into more trouble than I like. Growing up I had a few cats and 2 dogs. My first cat was named Spoosie. He was an orange tabby cat who was an alley cat.

I remember one day he just appeared. The orange tabby cat had no name and was very dirty. My parents didn’t like playing with the cat or that we tried to feed it milk and food. But somehow I knew when I was 4 that taking care of the cat was a good thing to do. Later my older brother named him Spoosie, and we still have no idea how we came up with that name.

Spoosie spent the next 2 years catching lizards and bringing them to our doorstep. I knew Spoosie went hunting the night before because my mom would scream in the morning from Spoosie’s ‘gift’. I also remember Spoosie taught me a very valuable lesson. Never try to give an alley cat a bath. I was armed with my bar of soap, paper towel and a puddle in our front drive way. Spoosie got the best of 4 year old me but I still remember that day to this day. We went to my grandparents house for 2 weeks to visit them but when we came back Spoosie was no where to be found.

Spoosie had left us as quickly as he appeared. Spoosie was probably around 10 years old at the time we got him. We got the neighborhood kids together and formed a search party. But we never saw Spoosie again.

I’m in college now, getting an education to become a supreme court judge. But Spoosie still has a spot in my heart.

One of the local Charities that we sponsor is the Paws Placement. They help so many animals in our community. From getting pets adopted to taking in animals to training animals to be family friendly.  for more information about how pets in our community receive help.