Findlay Toyota Flagstaff

Jun 26, 2015

elsa and anna

Do you remember your first time watching Frozen?

Frozen has been the massive hit from Disney that has been embedded into our pop culture. Most kids have seen the movie but now they get a chance to see Elsa and Anna in person.

We will have an appearance from Elsa and Anna at the Frozen Day event. We will also have the frozen movie playing, with Karaoke contest, along with arts and crafts.

Arizona Snowbowl and the Findlay Auto Group will be presenting the “Tundra Kids” snowboard training course for kids. This will give the kids a chance to practice snowboarding if they never had a chance to snowboard yet or if you are thinking of getting your kids into the slopes. This is a chance for them to discover if they will love snowboarding and maybe a future hobby.

Want to learn more about Arizona Snowbowl?

The “Tundra Kids” training course will be FREE for all participants at the Frozen Day event.

Frozen day will be a fun filled day full of activities. One day your kids will grow up and look back on this day. They will remember when you took them to Frozen day because it’s the happy days that we remember for our lifetime.

The Findlay Auto Group is giving away free tickets for the Frozen day event at our local dealerships in Flagstaff. So stop by and pick up your free tickets, so you don’t miss out on this awesome day.

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