Findlay Toyota Flagstaff

Aug 10, 2015

climb to cure cancer

Climb to Conquer Cancer in Flagstaff is happening this weekend. Findlay Toyota is proud to sponsor the Climb to Conquer Cancer in Flagstaff, hosted by the American Cancer Society.

“Every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. If a hiker gets lost out int he mountains, people will coordinate a search. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world send emergency supplies. This instinct is found in every culture, without exception.” – The Martian

Climb to Conquer Cancer represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that one day cancer will be eliminated.

Climb to Conquer Cancer is a one day event, where teams people participate in a hike through beautiful mountain scenery, and take part in the festival area. Each team of 12 or more participants has the opportunity to submit their own artwork for the back of their t-shirts, and to participate in fundraising for the event. Our festival features entertainment, food, and a special celebration of cancer survivors.

Because Climb to Conquer Cancer is a non-competitive event, anyone and everyone can participate. Teams form from businesses, clubs, families, friends, hospitals, churches, schools and service organizations. These individuals all share a common purpose – their support of the American Cancer Society’s Mission.

This year’s event takes place at Arizona Snowbowl.

Our schedule of events is as follows:

August 15, 2015

7:00am – 12:00pm

We hope to see you all out there for this great cause.

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